The Spark of Mortal Stars
Every twinkle is thousands of years gone…
The night sky is filled with the illusion of permanence. We stare at those tiny sparkling masses with a notion of hope, yet ignorant that hope may have blown away long ago. Every twinkle is thousands of years gone. In a single night countless lifetimes flows through you in the form of dust and light.
The reality of our sky being filled with death, instead of life brings gloom. We can feign that things last forever, and that our lives are not just a transient tick on the clock, but it is. With every pool of light sparkling above, we see a world never to be seen again.
Stars flicker, flash, and fade like we do. They are born and torn apart by entropy, yet we once called them gods. Foolish is it not? Without knowing, we had called the most permanent concept of a being—stars.
Everything can die is what those celestial bodies taught me. Our ancestors wrote our heroes and families into the obsidian blur that blankets the Earth, and even fashioned purpose to a design that had reason from the start. However, we were too naive to know the true meaning of the heavens.
“You deny the existence of magic. It’s tragic. Aren’t you a child born from the ashes of stars? Born from light to decide a life?”
–Bimori, Stars of Glass
Regardless, in our mind stars can be many things. They are not just a collection of particles colliding and igniting. They are fuel to our imagination, and our spirituality. Whether we pray to them or fall asleep beneath their beauty, they are a big part of our lives. We cannot dismiss this. They were once guides to our lost mariners when the oceans were high and dark.
In those times, everything was ravenous and cruel. We discovered mysterious lands, and learned a multitude of things. One day, humanity will come together, and when we do the stars will lead us to new worlds as did long ago.
Silently, one by one, these time travelers show us a story. They show us the echo of suns like ours, some dead, some changed. It makes you wonder how many more have been birthed since you were born, or when their light shall reach us?
In the far future our descendants will see an unfamiliar sky, and much of what we see today would have faded away, never to be seen again.

Art by: Sierra Ashevaili Rottman
Is this how things end? Is everything in a transient course to ruin? Maybe, but what if it is just the beginning of something greater? What if we are the future of the cosmos? We are made of stardust, leftovers of dead gods. Maybe we are the way for the universe to comprehend its own mortality. Maybe we are the resolution.
If we are, we are far from it. In order to evolve into something greater than stars we must work together like the trillions of atoms inside a single cell do. We must put aside trivial issues, and target real problems that will one day shape our humanity and universe. We are capable of great things, even influencing the future. What is stopping us? When you walk down the street, think on it. You are the evolution of stars after all.
Thank you Starchild for reading the ramblings of a dreamer that hopes for a better world.
Make your ancestors proud.

Art by: Sierra Ashevaili Rottman
Quote to Inspire:
“Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.”
–William Shakespearer

Drift in the Eversea
H.S. Crow has literary works appearing in all mediums of entertainment with a focus on fantasy, science fiction, and horror. He is an author traversing the theoretical and myth with novels and comics exploring the breathtaking Caligo, a vast universe containing our dreams and nightmares. Notable books include Lunora and the Monster King, Stars of Glass, and the upcoming epic Drums of Fog. However, his brilliance also transcends into poetry and music with scores that instills emotion and magic. The young author and music producer aims to challenge current issues with the imagination, and enchant the heart and mind of any who dares explore his madness.
H.S. Crow has literary works appearing in all mediums of entertainment with a focus on fantasy, science fiction, and horror. He is an author traversing the breathtaking Caligo, a vast universe containing our dreams and nightmares. Notable books include Lunora and the Monster King, Stars of Glass, & the upcoming Drums of Fog.
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